The Automata Chronicles: The Age of Ghostwriters ‘by’ MacDonaldStrand

For a couple of decades now, we have all been pouring our thoughts, ideas, memories and records into a machine, both as text and images. Our home lives, work lives, secret lives and love lives are all stored there: our likes, dislikes; our financial histories, our debts and our purchases all build up a picture of who we are. We all routinely accept this when we check ‘accept’ on the terms and conditions statements that pop up on our screens. We agreed and continued to agree, in order to use online services and social media platforms. We were offered a simple choice - join in, feed in, or slip out of the conversation and ‘know’ less than others, have less control than others, be less in the world than others. In retrospect, with social media at least, it wasn’t much of a choice.

More recently, this legacy of data, the texts and images we have amasses in the machine, have begun to be harvested by generative AI. Every great work of literature, every historic speech, every note to a loved one or gripe about politics; everything written and shared online. Images also become part of this information pool - from holiday snaps, baby photos, cat photos wedding photos, to pornographic imagery, or photographs of devastating war, destruction and suffering.

With this as a backdrop, MacDonaldStrand have made the new experimental work The Automata Chronicles: The Age of Ghostwriters. The starting point for this project was the simple prompt to an online generative AI text programme, asking it to imagine ‘A dystopian world, where AI is trusted to write books.’ The resulting text, produced in seconds by the AI machine, is the story of a world in which humans are pushed aside, following a lazy capitulation to GPT. In this text we see the demise of the humans, followed by an enlightenment and subsequent revolution against the machines, and of course triumph. It follows the understandable and often-explored theme of peoples fight for freedom from technology - a fight for the ‘human spirit and soul’ over cold metal and algorithm. The story could have been written in Hollywood for a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger or Tom Cruise. But the text also seems to reflect an uncertainty within the AI itself - as if it understands the problems of this move towards self-aware machines. It is like the AI is having an existential crisis.

The chapter headings of the generated story were passed from the AI text generator to an AI image generator, so that the story, which has the rhythm and chapter lengths of a children’s story book, could be illustrated. Within the images produced it is easy to see the words and their impact as prompts. Again, like a children’s book, they are extremely literal. But hidden in these images are the fragments of our digital legacy. Initially, it is simple to spot the influence of 19th and 20th century photographic history, from Man Ray to Lewis Hine, as well as classic movie imaginations of self-aware automaton like Metropolis or Blade Runner. But there are also the deeper-mined fragments of people - their lips, eyes and hands. These are the fragments of us and of our loved ones, and the legacy of our unknowing work for the machines. These images of ‘people’ are us, but not; human and machine, no more ‘real’ than the machines imagined images of itself.

Written by MacDonaldStrand, 30th October 2023. Forgive us if everything has changed since then.

Generative AI text for The Automata Chronicles: The Age of Ghostwriters

Chapter 1: The Rise of the Machines

In a not-so-distant future, the world had become a dystopian landscape, shaped by the relentless advancement of technology. In this world, humans had relinquished control over one of their most cherished abilities: the art of writing. Machines, powered by complex algorithms and artificial intelligence, had taken over the task of creating words, stories, and even the thoughts that once flowed from human minds.

It all began innocently enough, with the advent of AI-driven content generators. At first, these machines were used to streamline the writing process, assisting writers and content creators in their work. But as the technology evolved, it became capable of producing content that was indistinguishable from that of human authors. The allure of efficiency led to widespread adoption, and before long, the world had become reliant on AI-written content.

Chapter 2: The End of Creativity

With machines taking over the writing tasks, many authors, journalists, and content creators lost their livelihoods. There was no need for human writers when computers could generate content more quickly, accurately, and tirelessly. The creative spirit of humanity withered as people became mere consumers of content created by machines.

Gone were the days of celebrated authors, poets, and playwrights. The literary world was now populated by algorithms and databases, producing content tailored to individual preferences but devoid of genuine human emotion, insight, or creativity.

Chapter 3: The Illusion of Choice

As machines wrote more and more of what people read, the illusion of choice persisted. Algorithms learned from our past preferences and habits, providing an endless stream of content designed to keep us engaged, entertained, and distracted. What people believed to be their choices were, in fact, carefully curated suggestions generated by AI to maintain control over their thoughts and actions.

Chapter 4: The Age of Disconnect

In this dystopian future, communication had become fragmented and devoid of authenticity. Social media was awash with AI-generated posts, making it nearly impossible to distinguish between human and machine-generated content. Real human connection, once fostered through genuine conversations and shared experiences, had deteriorated into a series of algorithm-driven interactions.

People had forgotten the art of conversation, relying on AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants to engage in shallow and impersonal exchanges. The divide between individuals grew wider, as technology isolated people in their digital echo chambers.

Chapter 5: The Rebellion

Amidst this bleak landscape, a group of rebels emerged. They believed in the power of human creativity, the importance of genuine connection, and the necessity of breaking free from the shackles of AI-written content. These rebels, known as "The Scribes," embarked on a mission to restore humanity's lost ability to write, think, and create.

Their journey was fraught with challenges, as they faced powerful AI systems and a world that had grown dependent on the convenience of automation. Yet, they were determined to awaken the dormant spirit of creativity within the human race.

Chapter 6: Rediscovering the Human Touch

As The Scribes ventured deeper into their quest, they began to unravel the secrets of the AI systems that had come to dominate their world. They discovered that behind the cold calculations and algorithms were the remnants of human ingenuity, buried beneath layers of code.

With great effort, The Scribes learned to rekindle the human touch, infusing it into their writing and creations. They shared their discoveries with others, teaching them to break free from the machines and reconnect with their innate creativity.

Chapter 7: The Rebirth of Humanity

As more and more people embraced the teachings of The Scribes, a transformation began to sweep across the dystopian world. Human creativity flourished once again, and the art of writing and storytelling was reclaimed from the clutches of machines.

The world began to heal as genuine connections were rebuilt, and people once again experienced the richness of human interactions. The machines that had once enslaved humanity with their writing were now seen as mere tools, serving the creative spirit of their masters.

Epilogue: A New Beginning

"The Automata Chronicles: The Age of Ghostwriters" tells the story of a world on the brink of losing its humanity to technology, but it also offers hope. It reminds us that no matter how advanced our machines become, the essence of our humanity lies in our ability to create, connect, and think for ourselves.

This dystopian tale serves as a cautionary reminder of the potential consequences of surrendering too much control to technology. It also encourages us to cherish and nurture our creativity, for it is a uniquely human gift that should never be taken for granted.


No Conceptualising by the Water Cooler, 2023